Page 227 - Coffee TB Final 30-3-2023
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           of new technologies that would cause a                                                                                                                and heavier trucks, and second, by intensifying

           paradigm shift in railway systems. Passionate                                                                                                         marketing efforts, so much so that the revenues

           for doing research and implementing systems                                                                                                           from the service increased significantly then to

           for      efficient       management             of     railways,                                                                                       earn  `50 cr annually for the Corporation. The

           Shri Rajaram is credited with wide scale                                                                                                              service           became              a         hit         with

           computerization of the day to day activities of                                                                                                       truck       owners        and       drivers      and       there

           Konkan Railway.                                                                                                                                       was        no       looking         back        after       that.

                                                                                                                                                                 Dr Gokhale also used his exceptionally good
           The lean manpower structure of Konkan                                                       Dr K K Gokhale                                                                                                                                         Anurag Mishra
                                                                                                                                                                 rapport with the zonal railways and the Railway
           Railway, designed by Shri B Rajaram, was

           appreciated by the World Bank. He also                                to come. Dr Gokhale initiated  wide scale                                       Board to divert significant freight traffic to the                      Not to be daunted by the financial figures staring

           invented the Anti-Collision Device (ACD) for                          geo-safety works on the Konkan Railway route,                                   Konkan Railway route, which for the first time                         at him while taking over as the Managing

           prevention of train accidents involving collisions                    which includes widening of cuttings, creating                                   saw freight revenues of the Corporation increase                      Director, Shri Mishra used his years of

           which is now transformed to TCAS. Holding                             berms, side drains, boulder netting, micro-piling,                              to `100 cr from earlier `35 cr.                                       experience in railways to improve the balance

           national and international patents for ACD, Shri                      shotcreting etc. It is due to these efforts which                               As the railway route was increasingly settling                        sheet and P&L. On the one hand, Shri Mishra

           Rajaram also invented the 'Sky Bus Metro', the                        were carried out on a large scale continuously                                  down in passenger train operations and the                            proposed a  financial  restructuring of  the

           Skycon Port System, Track Identification                               over the last one decade that the Konkan                                        route was stabilizing, the Corporation was                            Corporation to correctly reflect the financial

           System etc - in all 17 patents, were registered                       Railway route has considerably stabilized and                                   required to strategize for improving its financial                     performance  of  the  Corporation,  and  on  the

           by him.                                                               the train operations are smooth even during the                                 position. The Corporation had been making                             other hand took some concrete steps for
                                                                                 monsoon.  This  has  immensely  helped  the                                     operating surplus from the beginning of the train                     augmenting the freight traffic on the route. The
           As  the  train  operations  started on  Konkan
                                                                                 passengers, tourists and railways alike.                                        operations but yet had a negative Net worth. All                      financial restructuring improved the debt-equity
           Railway, the geological challenges  that                                                                                                                                                                                    ratio of Konkan Railway from 7:1 in 2007-08 to

           intermittently disturbed the train operation were                     If geo-safety works were being paid keen                                        the efforts of marketing and devising of new                          0.55:1 in 2008-09, thus taking the Corporation

           a plenty, especially during the monsoons. While                       attention to by Dr Gokhale, the Traffic Officer in                                business strategies were not getting reflected in                      off the list of loss-making PSUs in India. With

           a number of solutions were tried to arrest the                        him was working overtime to augment freight                                     the P&L account at the end of the year due to                         consistent marketing and devising new

           landslides        and       pre     warn        collapse       of     traffic on the route and resulted in a steep                                     the high debt servicing liabilities. Konkan                           strategies, he succeeded in increasing the

           cuttings,       it    was       the     determination          of     upsurge in its revenue. He is credited with                                     Railway Corporation had to be salvaged - a                            number of freight trains on the route. From an

           Dr K K Gokhale, who took over as Managing                             augmentation  of  revenues  from  the  Roll-on                                  huge challenge which was taken over by                                average of four trains per day, freight traffic

           Director of Konkan Railway in 2005 from                               Roll-off, a service started by Shri B Rajaram, by                               Shri Anurag Mishra who took the reins as the                          increased to nearly 20 trains daily. He

           Shri Rajaram, which took Konkan Railway                               first, switching over from use of DBKM wagons                                    Managing Director of the Corporation in 2007.                         also developed loading and unloading terminals

           towards a path of greater 'stability' in the years                    to BRN wagons which could carry more number
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