Special trains between Mangalore Central and Haridwar

Special trains between Mangalore Central and Haridwar


Special trains between Mangalore Central and Haridwar

It has been decided to run special train to clear extra rush of passengers in co-ordination with Southern Railway as per the following program.

Train no. 06687/06688 Mangalore Central – Haridwar – Mangalore Central Superfast Special

Train no. 06687 will be run Ex-Mangalore Central on 02/04/2015 and train no. 06688 will be run Ex-Haridwar on 07/04/2015.

Train no. 06687 will leave from Mangalore Central at 2230 hrs on 02/04/2015 and reach Haridwar at 1900 hrs on 4/4/2015.

Train no. 06688 will leave from Haridwar at 2100 hrs on 07/04/2015 and reach Mangalore Central at 2000 hrs on 9/4/2015.

The train will halt at Udupi, Kundapura, Bhatkal, Karwar, Madgaon, Ratnagiri, Panvel, Vasai Road, Vadodara, Nagda, Kota, Sawai Madhopur, Nizamuddin, Meerut City, and Roorkee stations.

The train will have 19 coaches.