Rescheduling of Trains
The following trains have been rescheduled due to heavy rain between Kudal - Zarap section over Konkan Railway route.
Rescheduling of Trains:
Train no. 01140 Madgaon Jn. - Nagpur Special journey commences on 20/07/23, scheduled to leave ex. Madgaon Jn. at 19:00 hrs is rescheduled to leave ex. Madgaon at 22:00 hrs (i.e 03 hrs late).
Train no. 20112 Madgaon Jn. - Mumbai CSMT Konkankanya Express journey commences on 20/07/23, scheduled to leave ex. Madgaon Jn. at 18:00 hrs is rescheduled to leave ex. Madgaon Jn. at 21:00 hrs (i.e 03 hrs late).
Train no. 11004 Sawantwadi Road - Dadar Tutari Express journey commences on 20/07/23, scheduled to leave ex. Sawantwadi Road at 17:55 hrs is rescheduled to leave ex. Sawantwadi Road at 20:55 hrs (i.e 03 hrs late).
Passengers are requested to note the same. Inconvenience caused is regretted.