Cancellation of Trains to take up Pre NI / NI Block at Sankval station over South Western Railway
Cancellation of Trains to take up Pre NI / NI Block at Sankval station over South Western Railway
It has been decided by South Western Railway to cancel the following Trains to take up Pre NI & NI block at Sankval station in view of Hospet - Vasco Da Gama Doubling on 18/04/2024 & 19/04/2024. Details are as under:
Cancellation of Trains:
Train no. 07343 Vasco Da Gama - Kulem Passenger journey commences on 20/04/2024 is fully cancelled.
Train no. 07344 Kulem - Vasco Da Gama Passenger journey commences on 20/04/2024 is fully cancelled.
Passengers are requested to kindly note the same. Inconvenience caused is regretted.
Chief Public Relations Officer