Revision in composition of Train no, 06241 Mysuru Jn. - Karwar & Train no 06242 Karwar - Mysuru Jn. One Way Summer Express Special

Revision in composition of Train no, 06241 Mysuru Jn. - Karwar & Train no 06242 Karwar - Mysuru Jn. One Way Summer Express Special

It has been decided to revise the composition of the following one way summer express special as per details given below follows :

Train No.

Existing Coach Composition

Revised Coach Composition

With Effect From

06241 Mysuru - Karwar One Way Summer Express Special 

2 Tier AC - 01

3 Tier AC - 02

Sleeper - 08 

General - 04

SLR - 02 


Total = 17 Coaches

2 Tier AC - 01

3 Tier AC - 03

Sleeper - 09 

General - 04

SLR - 02 


Total = 19 Coaches


Ex. Mysuru on 03/05/2024 & 06/05/2024

Train no 06242 Karwar - Mysuru Jn. One Way Summer Express Special 

Ex. Karwar on 04/05/2024 & 07/05/2024

Passengers are requested to avail the services.


Girish Karandikar
Chief Public Relations Officer