Cancellation & Restoration of Trains
It has been decided to cancel the following trains & restore the running of train no. 22633 Thiruvananthapuram Central - H. Nizamuddin Express on the proper route.
Cancellation of Trains :
Train no. 22230 Madgaon Jn. - Mumbai CSMT Vande Bharat Express journey commences on 11/07/2024 is fully cancelled.
Train no. 12134 Mangaluru Jn. - Mumbai CSMT Express journey commences on 11/07/2024 is fully cancelled.
Restoration of Trains :
Train no. 22633 Thiruvananthapuram Central - H. Nizamuddin Express journey commences on 10/07/2024 earlier diverted will now run on its normal route.
Passengers are requested to note the same. Inconvenience caused is regretted.