Cancellation & Rescheduling of trains

Cancellation & Rescheduling of trains

The following trains are being cancelled & rescheduled:

Cancellation of Train:

  1. Train no. 12052 Madgaon Jn. - Mumbai CSMT Janshatabdi Express journey commences on 17/07/2024 is fully cancelled.

Rescheduling of Trains :

  1. Train no 22113 Lokmanya Tilak (T) - Kochuveli Express journey commences on 16/07/2024 scheduled departure is 16:45 hrs is rescheduled to leave Lokmanya Tilak (T) at 00:50 hrs on 17/07/2024.

Passengers are requested to note the same. Inconvenience caused is regretted.   

Girish Karandikar
Chief Public Relations Officer