Compensation Claims
Compensation Claims Procedure
Compensation for human casualty & injury Who is a victim: The passengers who met with an accident, as defined under Section 124 of the Railways Act, 1989 or become victims of untoward incidents as defined under Section 124-A of the Railways Act are entitled to compensation for loss of life and injuries as a result of their involvement in a train accident or untoward incident.
Particulars required for filing claims in Railway Claims Tribunal:
- Name and father’s name of the person injured/dead (husband’s name in the case of married woman or widow).
- Full address of the injured/dead.
- Age of the person injured/dead.
- Occupation of the person injured/dead.
- Name and address of the employer of the deceased, if any.
Documents which facilitate expeditious adjudication of claims by Tribunal:
- Post-mortem report in case of death.
- Copy of FIR in case of death/injury.
- Medical report indicating the details of injuries sustained by the passengers.
- Death certificate from the District Administration in case of death of a passenger.
Interim Relief:
Pending settlement of an accident or untoward incident claim case, on a request received from a claimant, the Railway Administration is authorized to pay a certain amount by way of giving interim relief to a claimant, which would be required by the claimant to meet emergent expenses and afford immediate relief. This amount is adjusted on the final settlement of the claim case by the Railway Claims Tribunal.
What is the time limit for filing a Claim Application?
One year from the date of the accident/incident. However, the Tribunal has been empowered to entertain an application even after the aforesaid period if the applicant satisfies the Bench that he had sufficient cause for not making the application within the stipulated period.
For any assistance contact:
Chief Commercial Manager (CCM)
Konkan Railway Corporation Limited,
Sector -11, Belapur Bhavan, CBD-Belapur
Navi Mumbai – 400614,
Tel – (022) 27587595, FAX – (022) 27572420