Thank you for the warm response received from your end with regard to forwarding to us your experiences, photographs, anecdotes, stories, incidents, since the inception of Konkan Railway till date.

Formation of Konkan Railway is a journey by itself. Many memories, incidents, stories, photographs, anecdotes etc. are part of this journey. We request you to share these with us and send us your experiences, photographs, anecdotes, stories, incidents, since the inception of Konkan Railway till date.

We wish to publish a book comprising of these memories with your support. This is an open invitation to all the Konkan Railwaymen serving and retired, travellers, land losers, general public to help us in this regard.

Please send us the details on the following address:
General Manager (Administration)
Konkan Railway Corporation Ltd.
5th Floor, Belapur Bhavan
CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai – 400 614
Fax No: 022 – 27572420
Email :