Position of Trains on Konkan Railway route

Position of Trains on Konkan Railway route

Front trolley of Locomotive of Train No. 12224 Ernakulam – Lokmanya Tilak Terminus Duronto Express was derailed at 15:03 hrs today between Sawantwadi Road and Zarap stations of Ratnagiri region. No casualties or injuries have been reported.

Accident Relief Medical Van (ARMV) and Accident Relief Trains (ARTs) has departed from Ratnagiri and Verna respectively and will reach  site  shortly  for relief and restoration. Konkan Railway officials have also rushed to the site.

Passenger carrying trains are likely to be regulated.  Details of the same would be given in a short while.

Passengers may contact 022 – 27587939 for train inquiry. Train position can also be viewed on www.konkanrailway.com.

Inconvenience caused to the public is deeply regretted.

L K Verma
Chief Public Relations Officer