Running of Special Trains between Madgaon Jn. - Panvel - Madgaon Jn.
Good news for passengers !!! It has been decided to run the following Special trains between Madgaon Jn. - Panvel - Madgaon Jn. to clear extra rush of passengers during Christmas / New Year. Details are as under :
1) Train No. 01428 / 01427 Madgaon Jn. - Panvel - Madgaon Jn. Special:
Train no. 01428 Madgaon Jn. - Panvel Special will leave from Madgaon Jn. at 08:00 hrs on 22/12/2023, 23/12/2023, 24/12/2023, 29/12/2023, 30/12/2023 & 31/12/2023. Train will reach Panvel at 20:15 hrs on the same day.
Train no. 01427 Panvel - Madgaon Jn. Special will leave from Panvel at 21:10 hrs on 22/12/2023, 23/12/2023, 24/12/2023, 29/12/2023, 30/12/2023 & 31/12/2023. Train will reach Madgaon Jn. at 06:50 hrs on the next day.
Trains will halt at Karmali, Thivim, Sawantwadi Road, Kudal, Kankavali, Vaibhavwadi Road, Rajapur Road, Ratnagiri, Sangameshwar Road, Chiplun, Khed and Roha stations.
Composition : Total 22 LHB Coaches : Economy Three Tier AC - 06 Coaches, Sleeper - 04 Coaches, General - 10 Coaches, SLR - 02.
2) Train No. 01430 / 01429 Madgaon Jn. - Panvel - Madgaon Jn. Special:
Train no. 01430 Madgaon Jn. - Panvel Special will leave from Madgaon Jn. at 21:00 hrs on 01/01/2024. Train will reach Panvel at 07:20 hrs on the next day.
Train no. 01429 Panvel - Madgaon Jn. Special will leave from Panvel at 08:20 hrs on 02/01/2023. Train will reach Madgaon Jn. at 21:30 hrs on the same day.
Trains will halt at Karmali, Thivim, Sawantwadi Road, Kudal, Kankavali, Vaibhavwadi Road, Rajapur Road, Ratnagiri, Sangameshwar Road, Chiplun, Khed and Roha stations.
Composition : Total 22 LHB Coaches : Economy Three Tier AC - 06 Coaches, Sleeper - 04 Coaches, General - 10 Coaches, SLR - 02.
Linen will not be supplied in AC coaches for the above trains.
For detailed halts and timings of above trains please visit or download NTES App.
Passengers are requested to avail the services.