Rescheduling of Trains
It has been decided by Southern Railway to take 04 hrs (22:40 hrs to 02:40 hrs) line block for five days in connection with widening of existing ROB in Kochuveli – Thiruvananthapuram section. Repercussions to the trains are as under:
1) Train No. 22655 Thiruvananthapuram Central – H. Nizamuddin Express will be rescheduled on 14/03/2018 (Wednesday) Ex. Thiruvananthapuram at 02:50 hrs i.e. 01:50 hrs late.
2) Train No. 22653 Thiruvananthapuram Central – H. Nizamuddin Express will be rescheduled on 17/03/2018 (Saturday) Ex. Thiruvananthapuram at 03:00 hrs i.e. 02:30 hrs late.
Passengers may note the changes.