Commendable work of Konkan Railway RPF Staff

Commendable work of Konkan Railway RPF Staff

Hon’ble Minister of Railways has declared 2018 as the year where there would be a focused efforts across Indian Railways to collectively strive for safety of women passenger and children.

In Konkan Railway, RPF has been at the forefront of rescue of children found lost/ abandoned / trafficked, etc from railway premises and trains and has laid special emphasis on the rescue of run-away children adopting the Standing Operating Procedure issued by Ministry of Railways in collaboration with the Ministry of Women and Child Development and National Commission on Protection of Child Rights for the better Care and Protection of the Child in Contact with the Railways.  

In the first four month of the year 2018, sixteen (16) runaway children who were either absconding or missing and found at various railway stations and trains over Konkan Railway had been rescued by RPF staff and handed over to Childline and concerned Parents after due verification.

If the passenger see a child in need of care & protection in  Railway station/Train then  inform on toll free number 182 or 1098 to extend necessary assistance.
Konkan Railway, always in service of its passengers.




L K Verma
Chief Public Relations Officer