Booking of Special Trains and Coaches - Procedure

Seven Simple Steps to Book a Special Train/Coach over Konkan Railway
1) Register Yourself:

By paying Rs. 50,000 per coach by cash to the Station Manager of the journey commencing station or Demand Draft in favour of FA&CAO, Konkan Railway, Navi Mumbai as registration cum security charges. At least 18 coaches would have to be booked for a special train. Hence, a minimum of Rs. 9,00,000 shall have to be paid as registration cum security charges for booking of a special train. An enhanced security cum registration fee of Rs. 10,000/- (Ten thousand only) per coach per day is required for programs exceeding 7 days.

2) Submit an Application:

In the prescribed format to the Chief Commercial Manager of the Konkan Railway on which your journey commences at least 30 days in advance or a maximum of six months before the commencement of the journey. Attach a Xerox copy of the money receipt obtained by paying registration fees.

3) Final Programme:

Will be confirmed only after examining operational feasibility and haulage confirmation from other concerned Railways.

4) Collect the final confirmed program copy and folder from the office of the Chief Commercial Manager at least 72 hours before the date of commencement of the journey.

5) Approach the Station Manager of the journey commencing station with a full list and details of intending passengers at least 48 hours in advance for preparation of your ticket.

6) The Indentor is required to pay the requisite charges per coach and subsequently, the Indentor must submit an application to the Chief Commercial Manager (CCM) providing their name, address, and telephone number. The application should be accompanied by any one of the following proof of residence:

  • Ration Card
  • Electricity Bill
  • Passport
  • Election Identity Card
  • Income-Tax Clearance Certificate/PAN Card
  • A Passport size photograph of the applicant

7) All correspondence regarding the booking shall be done by the same person or their authorized representative. The details of the tour program, including halts and their duration, along with a photocopy of the money receipt of the deposited amount and a certified passenger list from the Railway Authority, must be carried while traveling.

Contact Us (for Booking on Konkan Railway):

Office of the Chief Commercial Manager
Konkan Railway Corporation Limited, Belapur Bhavan, 4th Floor, Plot No.6, Sector-11,
C.B.D. Belapur, Navi Mumbai – 400 614,
Telephone: 022-27587488