Temporary Augmentation of Coach

It has been decided to augment one 3 tier AC Coach in Train No. 19331 / 19332 Indore Jn. - Kochuveli – Indore Jn. Express on temporary basis. The details are as under :

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Passengers may avail the services.

Running of Special Trains during Christmas & Winter - 2017.

Good news for passengers !! It has been decided to run special trains during Christmas and Winter on Konkan Railway  to clear the extra rush of passengers. Details are as under:
(1) Train No. 01119 / 01120 Ajni – Karmali - Ajni (Weekly) Special train.


To foster and reinforce the spirit of Communal Harmony, National Integration and pride in vibrant, composite culture and nationhood, the “Qaumi Ekta Week” (National Integration Week) was observed on Konkan Railway, from 19th to 25th November, 2017.

नवी मुंबई नगर राजभाषा कार्यान्वयन समिति (नराकास) की 26 वीं छमाही बैठक संपन्न

नवी मुंबई नगर राजभाषा कार्यान्वयन समिति की 26वीं बैठक कोंकण रेल विहार परिसर में दिनांक 20.11.2017 को नवी मुंबई, नराकास के अध्यक्ष, श्री संजय गुप्ता जी की अध्यक्षता में संपन्न हुई। इस बैठक में नवी मुंबई,नराकास के अध्यक्ष, श्री संजय गुप्ता जी के साथ समिति के सदस्य सचिव श्री दीपक त्रिपाठी जी तथा गृह मंत्रालय, राजभाषा विभाग की ओर से उप निदेशक (कार्यान्वयन) डॉ.सुनीता यादव,  उप निदेशक (पश्चिम) डॉ.विश्वनाथ झा, सहायक निदेशक श्री राजेश सिंह और विभिन्न सरकारी कार्यालयों, बैंकों तथा उपक्रमों के लगभग 150 प्रतिनिधि उपस्थित थे। 

Running of Special Trains On Konkan Railway (One Way Special)

Good news for passengers !! It has been decided to run one special train between  Madgaon - Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj Terminus kolhapur to clear extra rush of passengers. Details are as under:

Train No. 00128 Madgaon - Kolhapur  (One  Way Special – One Trip) :

Train No. 00128 Madgaon - Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj Terminus Kolhapur Special train will leave from Madgaon at 19:40 Hrs on 21.11.2017 (Tuesday). Train will reach Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj Terminus Kolhapur at 17:45 Hrs on the next day .


A tour to Goa was organised for Pediatric cancer patients of TATA Memorial Hospital by Konkan Railway as a goodwill gesture and to sprinkle happiness on the faces of cancer affected little angels. A 3 tier AC Coach attached to Mangalore Super Fast Express specially for Cancer affected kids by Konkan Railway on 08th November 2017. Every year, an excursion tour is being organised for them Ex. Mumbai to Goa and back in co-ordination with TATA Memorial Cancer Hospital and this is being done from last many years by Konkan Railway.

Running of Special Trains On Konkan Railway (One Trip)

Good news for passengers !! It has been decided to run one special train between Manmad - Sawantwadi Road to clear extra rush of passengers.
Details are as under:

Train No. 01198 Manmad - Sawantwadi Road (One Trip):

Train No. 01198 Manmad - Sawantwadi Road one trip Special train will leave from Manmad at 16:15 Hrs on 11/11/2017 (Saturday). Train will reach Sawantwadi Road at 07:00 Hrs on next day.

Vigilance Awareness Week on Konkan Railway

To create awareness among the railway staff in particular and public in general about the importance of honesty and transparency, Vigilance Awareness Week was  observed on Konkan Railway from 30th October to 4th November, 2017. The theme for this year is "My Vision-Corruption Free India"

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