Cancellation of Trains on Konkan Railway Route due to Jat Agitation on Northern Railway.

Cancellation of Trains on Konkan Railway Route due to Jat Agitation on Northern Railway.

Cancellation of Trains on Konkan Railway Route due to Jat Agitation on Northern Railway.

The following trains have  been cancelled due to of Jat Agitation on Ambala  Division  of   Northern Railway :-

1. 12283 Up Ernakulam H.Nizamuddin Duranto Express on 23.02.2016.

2. Train No. 12483 Up Kochuvelli – Amritsar Express on  24.02.2016

Passengers are requested to kindly take note of  the same. Inconvenience caused is deeply regretted.

Siddheshwar Telugu
Chief Public Relation Officer