Jan Sadharan Ticket Booking Sevak Scheme

Jan Sadharan Ticket Booking Sevak Scheme

1st Dec, 2014



Jan Sadharan Ticket Booking Sevak Scheme


Konkan Railway has appointed JTBS (Jan Sadharan Ticket Booking Sevak) for booking of the current tickets in the city area itself. Passengers can take benefit of the JTBS counter opened at Savarda, Ratnagiri, Kankavali, Sawantwadi, Madgaon and Surathkal towns over Konkan Railway route.

Passengers can book the current tickets from these JTBS locations upto 3 days in advance excluding date of journey.

The address of each JTBS location can be obtained from respective stations and from Konkan Railway website.

Chief Public Relations Officer