Cancellation of Trains on Konkan Railway Route

Cancellation of Trains on Konkan Railway Route

                                                                                                                                                                                                  26th    February 2016

Cancellation of Trains on Konkan Railway Route


As per Notification received from Northern Railway, the following trains have  been cancelled on Konkan Railway Route :-

1. 12218  Dn  Chandigarh – Kochuveli  Kerala Sampark Kranti Express on 26.02.2016.

2. Train No. 12284 Dn  Nizamuddin – Ernakulam  Duranto  Express on  27.02.2016

Passengers are requested to kindly take note of  the same. Inconvenience caused is deeply regretted.

Siddheshwar Telugu
Chief Public Relations Officer